Thursday, April 17, 2008

Old Game Review: L.A.I.R. on PS3

Dragons are fucking cool. Wait let me rephrase that. Dragons are supposed to be fucking cool. I just thought that a game about dragons would feature more bad ass dragons. I guess I was just put off by the graphic quality of this game. This is the first time a PS3 exclusive game failed to wow me. In their defense they had a lot going on in this game. Unfortunately it wasn't very interesting stuff.

Factor 5 the developer has a pedigree for making great flying games for the Star Wars franchise. They pushed the limits of the Game Cube to create some of the best looking games of that generation on the weakest hardware. I don't know how they managed to make the worst looking game on the best hardware but they did.

I gave this a shot after finding that they dropped the all six axis control to allow for analog controls with a patch update. I found that the old unfavorable reviews still held up despite the control issues being fixed.

What factor 5 should have done was look at a very similar dragon game from the ps2. Drakengard was a crazy ass game that allowed you to upgrade your dragon, which was key for me to play levels multiple times. I dont know why all you get with ps3 games is behind the scenes content for doing well but it sucks.

Here is a taste of Drakengard
(Warning: This video is fucking crazy and may give you nightmares.)

The point of the video is this. If a game can have a plot in which creepy ass giant babies are the enemies in a dragon game, it must have been good for me to get all 4 of the multiple endings. (This is the part where you go back and watch the video to see what the hell Im talking about)
Factor 5 go back and give me more creepy infants and less boring objectives.

2 Creepy Babies out of 5

These little punks are brilliant

This is the best idea for a music video. They dropped like 25 buck on a ghetto blaster and pissed off some paparazoo and got tons of celebs in their video. The song is a bit gay though.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I wish that some kid was in there really high on LSD and totally freaked out.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Face Is Like Abs

If you have never seen Legends of the Hidden Temple on Nickelodeon you probably don't get this. It can still be seen on their new network GAS.

Best thing Ive been shown in awhile

Be sure to check out part 2 and 2.5 on the sexual side of Ben Franklin.

Thanks to Thomas for showing me this.

P.S. Thomas' Blog.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This guy is awesome.......

He also has a sweet poop broom.

Reminder: Steak and BJ day is tommorow

Steak - Watch more free videos

Im just full of reminders these days.

Support Drunken Irish Shenanigans

So the long feud between Bass and Guinness has temporarily been suspended in support for making St Patrick's Day a US holiday. Why wouldn't they work together, they stand to make a great deal of money on the holiday becoming official. It really should be the day after thats a holiday. National Hungover Day or Green Vomit Day or Spend All Day in the ER because your drunken friend shanked you with a bottle because he thought that it would motivate you to drink more you pussy....Day. Perhaps we will start celebrating St. Pattie's Eve if we all had the day off.

Go sign the petition, because there can never be enough paid days off work.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

From the people who brought you the Brawndo Ad

Every time I thought this was done being funny they throw in "no Lynn Wednesdays". DEER SHANK!!!