Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Face Is Like Abs

If you have never seen Legends of the Hidden Temple on Nickelodeon you probably don't get this. It can still be seen on their new network GAS.

Best thing Ive been shown in awhile

Be sure to check out part 2 and 2.5 on the sexual side of Ben Franklin.

Thanks to Thomas for showing me this.

P.S. Thomas' Blog.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This guy is awesome.......

He also has a sweet poop broom.

Reminder: Steak and BJ day is tommorow

Steak - Watch more free videos

Im just full of reminders these days.

Support Drunken Irish Shenanigans

So the long feud between Bass and Guinness has temporarily been suspended in support for making St Patrick's Day a US holiday. Why wouldn't they work together, they stand to make a great deal of money on the holiday becoming official. It really should be the day after thats a holiday. National Hungover Day or Green Vomit Day or Spend All Day in the ER because your drunken friend shanked you with a bottle because he thought that it would motivate you to drink more you pussy....Day. Perhaps we will start celebrating St. Pattie's Eve if we all had the day off.

Go sign the petition, because there can never be enough paid days off work.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

From the people who brought you the Brawndo Ad

Every time I thought this was done being funny they throw in "no Lynn Wednesdays". DEER SHANK!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

I hate Texans

I have never heard this Budlight commercial, maybe they cut it because if you mess with texas they will kick your fancy pants city boy ass right out of the lone star state, and I guess that would be bad for business......I guess. Everything is bigger in Texas, including buttholes.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Review : Pixel Junk Monsters on PS3

Isn't this little rocky fella just adorable. Well he is not, especially when he is trouncing your little villagers and turning them into ghosts.

This is a "tower defense" game, which is pretty old school as far as games go. I remember playing a variation of Warcraft 2 that played very similar to this. Essentially you build towers that shoot at various monsters which are released in waves to defend your village of weaklings. Each enemy has a weakness and a particular tower available to exploit said weakness. Your given a small amount of money to begin and you must collect money to purchase more towers and jewels to unlock stronger towers or level up your current ones.

The game involves quite a bit of strategy, which for me is frustrating because Im more of a blow things up ask questions later kind of gamer. On top of that I could not find any cheat codes for more money so getting by some of the harder levels is just ridiculous. The game is slow placed, at times your just standing behind a tower dancing (it levels them up faster) and sometimes your running around like a crazy person because they dropped a million flying guys on you and your really lacking in the air defense department, then you scream as your helpless against them and they slaughter your poor villagers. I also wish that the monsters or at least the villagers had cool or funny death animations, just to spice it up a bit.

The music is also sort of lame, but you forget about it until you pause it and its incredibly loud and have to mute your tv to hear the phone.

It also only costs 10 dollars and provides at least 4 hours of entertainment, which scores it some points.

3 screaming flaming villagers (I wish) out of 5

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This should play before every movie.

This is the intro to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie. It also is the funniest part. Care to disagree, I will cut you with a Linoleum knife!!!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Human Giant New Season Starts 3/11

If you have never seen human giant and find the above video funny then I highly recommend watching this show. The Mind Explosion begins Tuesday 3/11 on MTV.