Friday, March 7, 2008

I hate Texans

I have never heard this Budlight commercial, maybe they cut it because if you mess with texas they will kick your fancy pants city boy ass right out of the lone star state, and I guess that would be bad for business......I guess. Everything is bigger in Texas, including buttholes.


Unknown said...

Hah! Don't mess with Texas. Gee.. Guess that's why everyone is moving here... Yes please hate us! Go away!

rlevea said...

oh trust me i already do hate texas they think their all big and bad their pompous priisy hick. They think their so strong and hate new york. NEW YORK IS 20 TIMES better than new york. Its funny how they expect people in other states to know texas history when no one gives to fucks about the hick in texas. And its funny how they think new yorkers are terrible drivers. I have never seen anyone cross a 6 lane highway in one full swoop their all dumbasses dumber than fricken rock.