Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Judas moment of the week

So this week I finally did it. I purchased the Playstation 3. I sold my soul to Sony. It was really inevitable.

Top 5 reasons I sold out

1. Blu-ray player - I need HD, standard def is just fugly.
2. Ratchet and Clank - Such a good franchise
3. Empty space on my entertainment center was driving me nuts
5. Why the fuck not. I'm addicted to video games and I make good money, why not have the holy tri-force of gaming hotness (wii, xbox, and ps3).

My experience has been pretty good with it so far. I must say that there is a noticeable difference in graphics, they are better looking its just the facts (for first party games). The system has an odd operating system which is kind of clunky. You have to install games and demo's before you can play them which is just sort of a pain. The whole thing is a lot less user friendly than both the wii and xbox 360, but it feels like it has opportunities for more than gaming to go down for those 1337 enough to get them to work.

I will most likely be continuing to play most cross platform games on my 360. This is because they more often than not run better on the 360 and also have achievements. I'm addicted to achievements. PS Home is promising some sort of 3-d trophy room that may one day trump achievements, but its not here yet. My wii will continue to collect dust.

Look forward to PS3 reviews shortly (I'm playing Heavenly Sword now).

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