Thursday, December 20, 2007

Review: I Am Legend

I didnt think it was possible for Will Smith to make a movie I actually wanted to see. What else can I say but the Fresh Price is back. This is probably going to be best movie of the holiday season, though Im crossing my fingers for Aliens Vs Predator to really blow me away. The movie was short, which if it was long it didnt seem like it. The plot was a bit predictable but they did a good job of keeping it tense. There are lots of moments which make you jump which for me was a bit unexpected, never really a poo your pants kind of scare but enouph to keep you paying attention. The ending of the book probably wouldnt go well with mainstream audiences, which was the purpose of the title so it loses a point for that. Wikipedia I am Legend for more info. All and all good entertainment.

3 Old Yeller Moments out of 5

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