Saturday, December 8, 2007

Review: Mass Effect

This game has the most appropriate name ever. This is because it will massively effect your social life, and when I say massively effect, I mean ruin. Its the kind of game that's hard to pause and greet your fiance when she comes home from work, so she gets pissed at you (hint: This is no time to be a renegade). There are no black holes in this game but I feel as if it sucked all of my free time away. 30 hours later and I'm giving another play through. This game is why I haven't been posting much, sorry bout that.

With that said, this game is awesome. I'm calling it right now, best game of the year.

The Universe: Not too many games give you a sense of accomplishment like this game. It does in fact make you feel like a universe saving bad ass. In order to do this they must have spent a ridiculous amount of time building this universe. So many different races to learn about. Not to mention that every planet in the universe has at least paragraph long data file. All that work and I maybe read one, but its still impressive.

The Graphics: Ill be honest this is not the most amazing looking game every (its not gears). What they do amazing and better than any other game is the characters. Humans look human for once. This is important because what drives this game is interacting with the various peoples and crazy aliens whilst saving the universe.

The Game Play: This game is mostly about digging into the story and exploring. Its got combat which is pretty solid without being perfect. It has a Gears-esc cover system. The combat gets better as your level increases so just be patient with it. If you want to play a shooter this is not the game for you. This game is like watching a long movie, a very long movie. But the fun part is talking to people and making dialog choices which sort of change the outcome of the game. I suggest bring the big Krogan alien along because he likes call people bitches a lot and its funny. Also you will spend quite a bit of time trying to nail hot alien broads (hint: be a jerk to the consort).

The minor details: Its not a perfect game (no game is perfect). The things I would like to see them work on in the sequel are as follows.
  • All the planets look the same with different color. While its probably pretty accurate of the "real" universe it just gets boring exploring when everything looks the same. And driving the mako around is not super entertaining, I spent a lot of time shooting into the distance out of boredom. If I invest this much time in a game I'd rather not spend it driving from point a to point b.
  • The graphics look awesome but sometime it takes awhile for textures to load, which is really a minor thing. It some what takes you out of the experience if it happens a lot.
  • The character creation system was useless because the default character looks way better than the retards you make.
  • Could use some more banging of hot aliens. Where is the three titty alien from total recall?
Minor issues, really this game is awesome.

5 banged asari bitches out of 5 (hint: Asari are the hot aliens).

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