Friday, November 2, 2007

Guitar Hero 3 Broke My Back

For those about to rock I salute you. I must warn however that prolonged exposure to the latest installation of the Guitar Hero franchise may cause you bodily harm. Maybe I'm getting old but this is the most physically demanding game I have ever played. Fuck DDR , this game will give you carpel tunnel syndrome, spinal bifida, and a sciatica. After a 3 hour gaming marathon my wrist and thumb hurt. Several days later my back began to ache every time I played. Then at work I took a funny step and now my back aches terribly. I may never be able to rock peoples faces off ever again.

What mostly bothered me about this game is the constant fan boy complaining about this games corporate sponsorship. People need to get over in game sponsorship. Games are becoming more and more mainstream and as this happens publishers and developers will find new ways to help fund their projects. The only thing that sucks is having to buy the stupid branded guitars to get an achievement. But this is guitar hero its not like they are trying to get historical accuracy. You wont see a guy in a metal of honor game offering you some Stride Gum, though he probably should be smoking some Lucky cigarettes. Bottom line is that in order for the game industry to thrive they need to see new revenue streams to help keep the industry growing. 10 years ago a game like guitar hero would not have been possible because of the peripheral. So shut your faces before I rock them off.

Update: Never Play Guitar Hero, it is bad for your back.

4 out of 5

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