Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Review: Call of Duty 4 Modern Combat

Wow this game is crazy awesome. Hands down the best graphics on the xbox360. It runs at a buttery 60 frames per second and I cant remember seeing a single hiccup in the entire single player campaign. You get to shoot both russians and a-rabs, which is fun an also sort of racist, which is alright with me I guess, I suppose before long you can probably buy games in the middle east where you get bonus points for shooting American soldiers in the head. Back to the game, there are some very bad ass cut scenes, when the nuke goes off you will get goosebumps. Then you fucking die, which was awesome, more games should kill off the main character in a such a classy badass way. The campaign was short but it was full of very cool moments that make it memorable and worth playing through again if you have the time. The AI in the game is also very good and makes the game a good challenge on the higher levels.

The multiplayer is actually halfway decent. They incorporate a ranking system that unlocks bonuses for playing it longer. On the plus side you have a lot less whining 11 year old kids running around with a fondness for the N word (halo 3 anyone?) and for some reason I was playing with a bunch of Englishmen and some Germans (who no doubt are loving a call of duty game with less Nazi killing).

4 frag outs out of 5

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