Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Review: Super Mario Galaxy

To be honest I could only really play this game for 30 minutes. In that time I got a decent idea of the overall plot, game play, and the co-op aspects of the game. I could only play this game for 2 reasons. Reason one is that the game made me physically ill, running around on little orbs messes with your head. I felt like an old man at a six flags, nauseous and trying to get to a park bench.
The second reason is the very reason why I feel like I'm done with Nintendo games not involving f'ed up rabbits or shaking a ants off of a banana. The game is retarded. The story behind the game is just not up to par for what modern games should be. I felt like I was wasting my time trying to save these sad little star shape things, they were so pathetic. I am in the midst of playing 2 other games right now, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect. These games are the epitome of what games should be. They have great gameplay with epic stories that are very intriguing. Granted Mario for kids, but during a time where video games are pushing to be considered art Super Mario Galaxy is a back step. This game is being reviewed as if its the greatest game ever. This is a solid platformer with some great visuals (for the wii), the best game of the year it is not.

1 how do you really feels out of 5

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