Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Review: Puzzle Quest

What do you get when you cross Bejeweled with orcs, goblins, elves and other fantasy shit. No not this crazy looking Bull-sheep man. You get Puzzle Quest! Well doesn't that sound super exciting. Well I was sick and very immobile, which was a great opportunity to catch up on some games. So I plopped down some of my extra microsoft points which may or may not represent real money (mostly because I cant figure out the conversion rate, it gives me headaches). This is actually a pretty fun game. I remember playing bejeweled for hours and that game really has no point, this game basically attaches a story to an otherwise pointless game. Playing it is sorta like going on a crack binge you just start arranging jewels and then you wake up 5 hours later in your own feces and urine with a horrible headache and a sore butt-hole. After I battled a giant rat for the umpteenth time I got a little tired of the whole story they tried to weave into it. Maybe if it had less zombie trolls and gay looking elves and more robots and explosions it would have kept my attention a little longer. The only thing holding this game back is that it takes you forever to get anywhere playing it. While it doesn't really belong on my big screen HD tv, might be fun on a hand held. I would definatly recommend it for the nintendo ds because it would be great for a long trip, just remember to wear a diaper.

3 I cant think of anything clevers out of 5

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